STAGE 1 : License Purchase
If you are an individual user interested in playing StratUp, to hone your skills and learn the art and science of running a busines.
If you are a Professor or an HR leader looking at training your employees/Students, contact us for academic and build license discounts.
STAGE 2: Pre game Activities
In-Game tutorials and videos provide a comprehensive account of the game rules and concepts required to play the game. Learners will be able to complete the tutorials on a self-study mode before playing the game.
We understand student psychology and have gamified the process. Participants earn rewards and badges for completing the tutorials.
Our spot quizzes give us a view of a player’s comprehension, and the game helps the player with necessary alerts.
Learning is a process of active discovery and experimentation. We have a guided practice mode to help our learners practice concepts that they have learnt in the tutorial.
Players will experiment with options and explore various decisions before they are entirely ready to run their business enterprise.
STAGE 3: Planning
The players are all set to start assuming the roles of functional heads and run their business enterprise. Before they get started, they need to select their roles and form teams.
Team formation can be a random allocation among the groups or follow a certain logic based on your needs.
The teams draw up a strategic plan to arrive at a blueprint and seek budgets from the Head of Finance. The inbuilt workflow cascades plan from one department to the other. The Head of Finance finally reviews the plan from all the departments, reviews the pro forma P&L, and approves the budget.
Players need to negotiate and handle conflicts to arrive at a unified which reflects their aspirations.
STAGE 4: Game Play
Once the plan and budgets are approved, players coordinate with each other, negotiate for resources, and make their decisions.
Players need to take cognizance of space, time, cost
and competitors before making their decisions in an experiential learning environment.
Detailed dashboards with automated debrief help students understand their shortcomings and take corrective actions.
StratBotTM our AI-assisted bot helps learners with answers to frequently asked questions.
STAGE 5: Post Game Analysis
Facilitators will provide pointed feedback on the overall performance and help learners relate to real life scenarios and case studies.
The debrief session helps learners connect the dots and have an exact mental model of all that they have learnt in the game.
Yes! We are all concerned and would like to know how learning has progressed.
We capture player learning at various points in the game as evidence of learning for different research and reporting purposes.
StratBOT is an AI-assisted bot for player support. Your teams can get answers to all the frequently asked questions and reach our support team if any technical difficulties are faced during gameplay.
You can load your conceptual videos to the platform, and they will be delivered to your teams through the BOT.
Would you like to engage your learners and provide an immersive and
impactful experiential learning experience ?
If you are looking at Immersive, Impactful and Engaged learning, WE are with you.
Phone: +91 9591303673
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